Firefox : Zemanta

Zemanta expands the author's regular blogging dashboard, populating it on the fly with content suggestions relevant to the current text. It presents images, links, articles, tags in a simple interface. It encourages re-use and linking to other content with as little effort as possible – a single click.

Zemanta also supports enhancing emails written in GMail an Yahoo!Mail web interface.

Use cases for email include:
  • Individualized personal "postcards" as you can easily add images from your Flickr collection or from others.
  • Persuasive professional introductions with easy addition of personal images and links to social networks.
  • Informative report-style interface with links to other points on Internet for further reading.

Main features of Zemanta are:
  • content analysis and suggestion of related articles, images, links and tags;
  • affiliate link support
  • re-blogging – cross-platform quoting support for blogs;
  • spam-free database of 4000 news sources and blogs;
  • copyright filtering for suggested images.

Works with: Firefox: 2.0 – 3.5.*

Official Website :

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